#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: Index.cgi-pl,v 1.16 2017/12/09 08:05:29 ubuntu Exp ubuntu $ use LAM::LAM qw(displaySource displayPage); # Lexicon Abstact Map use CGI qw(:all); # Perl Common Gateway Interface package use strict; # Force strict variable syntax. use warnings; # Enable all warnings. LAM::displaySource( # Display source, rlog, etc. if requested. "https://github.com/LAMurakami/no-ssl/blob/master/html/Index.cgi-pl"); LAM::displayPage('-c', '-i', 'LAM', '-t', 'LAM AWS', '', center(h1('LAM AWS'). "\n". h2('Linux Apache MariaDB in the cloud.'). "\n". h3('aka'). "\n". h2('A cheap reliable web and shell server.')))