info-stnd: Custom Key Bindings

 14 Customizing Key Bindings and Variables
 Info allows you to override the default key-to-command bindings and
 variable settings described in this document.  (The '--vi-keys' option
 rebinds many keys at once; ⇒--vi-keys.)
    On startup, GNU Info looks for a configuration file in the invoker's
 'HOME' directory called '.infokey', i.e., '~/.infokey'.(1)  If it is
 present, then Info adopts the key bindings and variable settings
 contained therein.  To use an alternative configuration file, use the
 '--init-file' option (⇒--init-file).
    Variables may also be set on the command line with the '--variable'
 option (⇒variable-assignment).  Variable settings on the command
 line override settings from the '.infokey' file.
